Hello, I am Lu, or luluxxart ; a digital artist from Romania who does anime/cartoon-related commissions! My style is still quite experimental, but I do my best in any work I do. Any questions are welcome in my Instagram DMs, so feel free to shoot me a message if need be! Thank you for the support (´。• ω •。`)

please consider supporting my Patreon for only 3$ a month!

commission status: semi-open


♡I have the right to reject your order if I am not comfortable with it.♡Your commission MUST have visual and CLEAR references of your character and pose. The pose is mandatory, as it helps me make the art look more clean.♡Please avoid being too formal or overly-explaining your commission, it is unfortunately very overwhelming to me. You do not have to, but it would help greatly if you acted friendly as it eases my anxiety.♡Please do NOT send the payment until I can tell you you can do so.♡If I forgot a detail on your commission, please do let me know! Pleasing my customers is my job and I’d never wish to deliver a work that the customer isn’t 100% satisfied with.♡If you do decide to post the commission on social media, please ensure that you post the watermarked version of the picture as to avoid trouble AND please credit me properly!♡Speaking of posting art, I have the full right to post your commission. My commissions keep my portfolio updated which I need. If you wouldn't like your commission posted, you must pay a small fee of 5 EURO/USD!


♡By commissioning me, you agree to my ToS.♡Payment is only done in Paypal. However, you may also suggest the Genshin Crystal payment option through CodaShop. Depending on the commission style you picked, I will choose how many crystals it is worth. DISCLAIMER: THIS METHOD OF PAYMENT WORKS ONLY FOR U.S. Unfortunately, EU payments aren't an option on the site yet.♡I will only accept payment as upfront, after the rough sketch or I can do 50-50 with both. Once paid, you will start getting updates. Updates include pictures of the progress made on your commission or health/situation status from me. Never hesitate to check in!♡I can deliver the final results through Email or Workupload.♡YOU MUST KNOW that I am still in the experimental stage, so my art style changes quite often.♡TaT should be around 2 weeks or a month starting from the moment I have sent you the rough sketch. If it takes any longer than this, I will let you know why.


Sketch Commissions

  • headshot: 15 EURO // 980(+110) Genesis Crystals

  • (almost) full body: 22 EURO // 980(+110) +300(+30) Genesis Crystals

  • additional character is the following: 15→25 EURO and 22→32

  • +5 EURO/USD for NSFW // +300(+30) Genesis Crystals

Headshot Sketch Comms

(Almost) Full Body Sketch Comms

Genshin Character Card

  • Price starts from 45 EURO // 1920(+260) + 980(+110) Genesis Crystals

  • Charges may be added depending on the complexity of the character given.

Regular Bust Commissions in my own Art Style

  • Price starts at 40 EURO // 1920(+260) + 300(+30) Genesis Crystals

  • Includes Background of choice

  • Additional character starts from 10 EURO depending on the design complexity.

Genshin Simple Icon

  • No multiple characters in the same picture

  • 20 EURO // 980(+110) + 300(+30) Genesis Crystals

  • Additional character (in a separate canvas) will cost the original price.

Flat-Colored Bust


  • Additional character starts from 10 EURO depending on the design complexity.

Flat-Colored Half Body

  • Price starts at 32 EURO // 1980+260 Genesis Crystals

  • +10 EURO for Extra Character

  • Additional fees may apply depending on the character’s outfit, design and overall complexity.

  • +10 EURO/USD for NSFW

Simple colored Half Body

  • Price starts at 40 EURO // 1980(+260) + X2 300(+30) Genesis Crystals

  • +10 EURO for Extra Character; +10 or more EURO for NSFW

  • Additional fees may apply depending on the character’s outfit, design and overall complexity.

Half Body Fully Rendered

  • Starts from 50 EURO and up // 3280(+600) Genesis Crystals

  • 15+ Additional character; 15+ EURO for NSFW

  • Additional fees may apply depending on the character’s outfit, design and overall complexity.

YCH Chibi commission

  • Starts from 15 EURO // 980(+110) Genesis Crystals

  • No multiple characters in the same pic

  • You may choose the expression, hand position, what the character could be holding, etc…

The original YCH:

Genshin Custom Fullbody

  • Starts from 50 EURO and up // 3280(+600) Genesis Crystals

  • No multiple characters in the same pic

  • Charges will be added depending on how complex/detailed the design is.

Full Body comms

  • Starts from 50 EURO as FLAT COLOR and up // 3280(+600) + x2 300(+30) Genesis Crystals

  • Additional character will be +20 EURO

  • Charges will be added depending on how complex/detailed the design is.

  • +5 EURO to add simple shading

  • +10 EURO to add full shading

  • +10 EURO for NSFW

My Genshin Info!

  • UID: 713155800

  • Server: Europe

  • AR: 60

DISCLAIMER: THIS METHOD OF PAYMENT WORKS ONLY FOR U.S. Unfortunately, EU payments aren't an option on the site yet.

Payment is made through CodaShop !
This is a safe and confirmed site for buying Genesis Crystals or Welkin not only for yourself, but other people as well!
With the info I provided, you'll just have to insert it correctly along with your information and once I've received the Genesis Crystals, I shall start working on your commission!

Commission Form

  • Commission Type: Sketch type, Headshot, Half body (and its rendered type), etc...

  • Character References:They need to be as HQ as possible, and colors should be accessible to eyedrop.

  • Pose: The pose should be VISUAL. That means that it needs to be a picture, whether it be a real life reference, a base, or another artwork I can reference.

  • Face Expression:This can be either a visual reference or a descriptive one, it does not matter because I can work with both!

  • Extra Information:Anything you'd like to add about the commission, such as details about the character or details you'd like to alter about the poses and so on..

  • Privacy:As the artist, I have the right to post the commission. However, if you'd prefer it private, you should state so in the form. The privacy fee will be 5 EURO/USD.

  • Delivery Means: I can send you the finished results via Email or Workupload, just pick so!

  • Paypal Email:For the Invoice.